Dies Irae
The mornings have ceased to be stuffy. Icy northern breezes start to ruffle the faded leaves. While the first few minutes of wakefulness are unwelcome, being hit by the freshness of the new day outside makes up for that.
Your only student is a pleasant young systems engineer. His English lesson starts at 7 am. He finishes work at 10pm. He's always pleasant to teach and picks up new language quickly. What makes you different from these kinds of people? Uncertainty? Fear? Negativity?
You are awake during similar kinds of hours, only with the exception of the afternoon which offers the opportunity for a nap. The result is a lack of concentration and a general feeling of fatigue. However, when the end does finally come, you are glad to have overcome your inclinations to sit with your head in a hole.
An unexpected call from your boss, from her private number; it's over. The company president has been sacked, the company submitted for court administration. For fun, you tag along to the unemployment office with your co-workers and end up on TV.
Your only student is a pleasant young systems engineer. His English lesson starts at 7 am. He finishes work at 10pm. He's always pleasant to teach and picks up new language quickly. What makes you different from these kinds of people? Uncertainty? Fear? Negativity?
You are awake during similar kinds of hours, only with the exception of the afternoon which offers the opportunity for a nap. The result is a lack of concentration and a general feeling of fatigue. However, when the end does finally come, you are glad to have overcome your inclinations to sit with your head in a hole.
An unexpected call from your boss, from her private number; it's over. The company president has been sacked, the company submitted for court administration. For fun, you tag along to the unemployment office with your co-workers and end up on TV.