To Blog or Not to Blog?
The generator hums outside, powered by subsidised Indian diesel, trucked in across 5000m passes, so that I can sit here and write. Can I justify words in this instance? Would that justification be a lie to myself and others - even if supported by those who are sitting around me.
Then there is the other concern. Who needs this? Does writing publicly of an experience that has largely been an inner, private one hold any meaning? Wouldn't it be better to let someone else judge the diaries that will remain once my lease on this life is over?
Or am I just a lazy bastard?
You be the judge.
Then there is the other concern. Who needs this? Does writing publicly of an experience that has largely been an inner, private one hold any meaning? Wouldn't it be better to let someone else judge the diaries that will remain once my lease on this life is over?
Or am I just a lazy bastard?
You be the judge.
Yes, your writing is important, not only for us, but also for others. We have learned so much from your blog and missed so many unwritten pieces. Please share with us your gift of unusual writing, full of deep meaning and thoughts.
Krzysiu, oczywiście pisz!Dla wielu ludzi jest to jedyna szansa dowiedzieć się czegoś o tym kraju, prowincji, kulturze, przyrodzie. Pomyśl ilu jest ludzi, którzy nie maja najmniejszej szansy zrobić takiej podroży.Dlatego zachęcam cie nie tylko do blogowania ale tez i do napisania książki z wspomnieniami przeżyć jakich doznałeś w Indiach.
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